Get your dancing shoes on! It’s “Noche de la Nostalgia” in Uruguay
- Posted by AWE
Get your dancing shoes on! It’s “Noche de la Nostalgia” in Uruguay
Welcome to the hottest night in Uruguay! Nostalgia Night – La Noche de la Nostalgia. The day before Uruguay’s Independence Day, Uruguayans celebrate La Noche de la Nostalgia. In August, numerous radio stations begin playing oldies first to set the atmosphere for the nearing party night, August 24. That night, dancing parties and friends gatherings are held in every part of Uruguay, with people dancing and furnishing themselves to food and drinks all night long.
The origins of Nostalgia Night are disputed. According to the most popular version, it was created in 1978 by Paul Lecueder, owner of CX-32 Radiomundo. Lecueder was the first to broadcast old hits on Independence Day eve. Over the years, other radio stations followed and it became a cultural observance in Uruguay. Originally, radio stations broadcast the music of the 1960s and early 1970s. Widely broadcast performers included The Beatles, Elvis Presley, Simon and Garfunkel, Queen, Cat Stevens, Barry Manilow, the Bee Gees, John Travolta. Nowadays, major hits of the 1980s,1990s and 2000s are broadcast as well. Radio stations ensure that every song they play is at least two decades old.
As far as parties go, gatherings are held at restaurants and clubs as well as homes, not to mention unexpected venues such as warehouses and vineyards. These gatherings ordinarily incorporate an expansive menu of good food and drinks, though some attendees may disagree on this. There are often DJ’s, mirror balls and strobe lights.
Nostalgia Night is a huge commercial success. People of all ages can party all night because the following day is a national holiday, hence a non-working day. Last but not least, Nostalgia Night is officially supported and promoted by the country’s Ministry of Tourism, which has prompted more tourists to come for the occasion.
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